University Counselling: Ensuring Every Student Finds Their ‘Best Fit’ University

Dulwich College (Singapore) is internationally recognised for its commitment to excellence in education and the high academic attainment of its students. Crucial to the onward journey of every graduating Dulwich student is the outstanding support of the University and Careers Counselling (UCC) team, whose bespoke guidance ensures a Dulwich education opens the door to the very best universities worldwide.

Dulwich’s fifth graduating cohort in 2024 achieved an average of 37.6 points; an impressive 7.3 points above the world average. 36.1% of these students achieved 40 or more points, with a highest score of 44 out of 45. How does Dulwich’s five-strong UCC team support Dulwich students to convert these outstanding results into the ‘best fit’ university?

Identifying ‘Best Fit’

Guiding students who aspire to, and frequently do, secure places at prestigious institutions such as Oxbridge, Ivy League schools and Russell Group universities, is a key strength of Dulwich’s UCC team. However, ‘best fit’ does not always translate to the university with the highest ranking. For some students, ‘best fit’ describes the journey of personal discovery that leads them to a university with a specific strength in their field of interest, rather than just the prestige of the name. Factors such as campus culture, location, and financial considerations also underpin UCC guidance.

Personalised Guidance for Every Student

University choice is an intensely personal decision, one that requires a deep exploration of a student’s values, academic interests, and long-term goals. UCC support starts as early as Year 10, with the integration of university counselling practices through self-reflection exercises, personality assessments, and discussions about career aspirations. By Year 12, the UCC team is fully integrated into the IB study space and Upper Senior School academic team, offering real-time guidance to students, individually or in small groups, to help them set realistic and fulfilling university goals.

The roadmap below provides valuable guidance for all students as they progress through the Senior School, from Year 7 onwards.

Critical Thinking

This broader outlook on university admissions enables DCSG students to think critically about their future. The UCC team frequently arranges visits from university representatives, university fairs, and opportunities for students to connect with alumni who can offer first-hand insights into life at various institutions.

The results of this well-rounded approach are evident in the offers received from prestigious universities around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge and Ivy League schools, as well as universities that offer specialised programmes that best align with personal goals and academic interests.

2025 University Offers

Last year, among our 125 graduates, 5 achieved Oxbridge places, 15 received offers from the Big Four London universities and 80% secured a place at a Russell Group university. This year, the 2025 graduating cohort looks set to replicate this level of excellence, as reflected in the early university offers received so far. Offers have begun to roll in, and this week we are delighted to provide an update on offers from the US and Canada.

To-date, offers have been received from the following US and Canadian universities:

US - Cornell, University of Chicago, Smith College, Swarthmore, Northeastern, Boston University, Furman University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, The New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Bentley University, University of California Merced, Georgetown University, Fordham University, University of Missouri, Michigan State University, Arizona State University, San Diego State University, University of Colorado Boulder, DePaul University, University of Southern California, University of Tennessee, University of Connecticut, University of Virginia, UC Davis, UC Riverside, Emerson College, Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Pepperdine University.

Canada – University of British Colombia, University of Toronto, University of Toronto – Mississauga, University of Toronto - Scarborough, McGill University and Western University.

Congratulations to all those students who have received offers, and we look forward to providing further updates on universitiy offers from the UK, Europe, South East Asia and beyond over the coming weeks.