From our Head of College

Meet Nick Magnus, Head of College
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Dulwich College (Singapore).
At Dulwich College (Singapore) our students always come first. The College offers a friendly, student-centred learning environment where your child is placed at the heart of the learning process. The Dulwich educational philosophy places equal emphasis on intellectual and personal development. We are a truly international and holistic school which, as part of the “commonwealth of Dulwich”, draws upon 400 years of tradition from our founding College in London and our sister schools in Asia.
In DUCKS, Junior and lower Senior School, the College follows an enhanced form of the English National Curriculum, incorporating elements of the Common Entrance syllabus. From the age of 10, our students are taught by subject specialist teachers in subject specific learning spaces. In Senior School, the College is an IB World school authorised to offer the IB Diploma as well as the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).
All our students are encouraged to participate in sporting competition and every child from the age of 7 is taught a musical instrument. Drama and opportunities for public speaking feature heavily from an early age.
As an internationally-minded school we believe in the importance of our young people acquiring confidence and competence in languages other than English. We offer a dual-language programme in English and Mandarin for children from 2 to 7 years of age and daily Chinese classes, streamed according to ability, for children from the age of 4. Additional modern foreign languages are offered in our Senior School.
Bringing out the best in our students means developing and nurturing creative and confident individuals with the soft skills to tackle and enjoy the rigours of life in the 21st century. Our educational philosophy is based on teaching students how to learn. We encourage our students to work independently and develop their thinking to challenge and be challenged in return.
All of this is encompassed within a strong pastoral support programme that is firmly rooted in our House system. Our students have a strong sense of identity and belonging and the good old fashioned values of respect, courtesy and good manners are recognised and reinforced. As a world-class organisation with a strong moral purpose, we make certain that every step is taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each child in our care. Safeguarding and child protection are of paramount importance in all Dulwich College International schools. For more information on our Child Safeguarding Policy please see here.
Dulwich College (Singapore): a school of many nations but a family of one.
With warmest regards,
Nick Magnus MBE