Forging Relationships with Singapore Primary Schools

In 2023/24, the Junior School has been focused on forging relationships with local primary schools, exchanging ideas and experiences from the very best of Singaporean and international education. We have loved building relationships and learning from each other.
We welcomed a delegation from Kranji Primary School, who will be relocating to Tengah in the coming years. It was fascinating to hear about their experiences designing a brand new school and to share how we use our spaces.
Also moving nearby in the coming years is Bukit View Primary, recognisable for its distinctive tartan shorts and skirts. I was honoured to visit for a tour in May and to join a mathematical class with an inquiry approach similar to ours.
We planned student and staff exchanges, with the first being a visit from 230 of their students in May to watch the dress rehearsal of the Junior School production of Peter Pan alongside our Year 3 students, followed by playtime on our climbing frames.
We have since welcomed their leadership team for a tour of lessons guided by Year 5 students. This week, 38 of their staff agreed to give up a day of the June holidays to team teach with our staff in areas of particular interest in various lessons, ranging from music to mathematics.

Princess Elizabeth Primary School is our closest neighbour, and we were honoured to host their leadership team for a learning walk, guided by our Year 6 teachers, in April on Earth Day. There were insightful presentations about Student Leadership from Harry Banks, Year 4 Teacher and Head of Student Leadership in Junior School, Michael Smith, Deputy Head of Junior School, on our conceptual curriculum and Ian Stewart, Assistant Head of Junior School (Technology and Innovation), and Simon Tyers, Year 4 Teacher and Learning Innovation Coach, on our technology pedagogy. My visit there was a great chance to experience their teaching first hand, including a science lesson on food webs, as well as interacting with children at playtime.

We also have a long-established relationship with Keming Primary School. Global Citizenship Ambassadors took part in a wonderful exchange where they spent a day there attending lessons with assigned buddies before we welcomed Keming students for a return visit. Over these two days, experiences were shared, and friendships formed.
Through all these enriching interactions, we aim to strengthen partnerships and share best practices within the educational community. Our student Learning Ambassadors are already eager to visit a Singapore maths lesson!
The exchange of experiences and the forging of friendships between schools is truly powerful. We are committed to these opportunities for mutual learning and eagerly anticipate continued camaraderie and collaborative learning experiences in the years to come. Dulwich College (Singapore) Junior School proudly stands as a beacon of excellence, eager to showcase our school and learn from the best practices of our visiting partners.