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- 48 Hours of Filmmaking: Stress, Creativity, and Triumph!
“ the most stressful weekend of my life”......”we’ll do it all again next year!”
On the weekend of January 10-12, 13 Year 12 IB Film students were involved in the BABEL 48 filmmaking competition that involved 4 production teams of students. The task was a high-pressure and creative one in which the students were tasked with the challenging project of making a film from scratch in 48 hours with the compulsory inclusion of 3 prompts. Each film had to include: a broom, a “breaking the fourth wall” look at the camera technique and the line of dialogue, “That was like 30 seconds ago”.
After many long hours of screenwriting, storyboarding, collaborating, filming then editing, each group submitted an incredibly creative and unique 2-minute film for the competition that is an IB Film Asia-wide one.
All students are to be congratulated on the enormous resilience and creativity displayed, especially when under so much pressure to collaborate and produce such high-quality films in such a short period of time.
The Film department is enormously proud of the creative output & enthusiasm of these students. With a range of submissions in several categories, we eagerly await the announcement of short-listed films and an invitation to the awards ceremony, in Hong Kong, later in March.