Shakespeare's First Folio Webinar

We are delighted to invite our Dulwich community to the Shakespeare First Folio webinar! 
The Archive at Dulwich College London is the world's foremost early modern theatre collection created by our school's founder Edward Alleyn, an actor and contemporary at the time of William Shakespeare. It includes a copy of Shakespeare's First Folio – a collection of 36 of William Shakespeare's plays painstakingly collated and published by his friends seven years after his death. 
In this webinar, we are proud to see these fascinating artefacts, particularly in the year when there are national and international celebrations around Shakespeare's First Folio first published in 1623. 

The webinar will be looking at the following: 

  • Shakespeare's First Folio (with a particular emphasis on The Tempest) 
  • Alleyn's playing script for the role of Orlando 
  • A 'Platte' or running order that was possibly used in the Rose Playhouse 
  • The manuscript of The Telltale - one of the few surviving written plays from that era 

The webinars are taking place on the following dates:

  • Thursday 2 March at 4pm Singapore time / 8am UK time. Registration for this date here.
  • Thursday 23 March at 4pm Singapore time / 8am UK time. Registration for this date here.

For those who would like to learn more about the Folio and Shakespeare's work, you can read more about it on the Folio 400 website. Without this achievement, the world would have lost half of William Shakespeare's dramatic work, and we are excited to commemorate 400 years of this foundational book. For those who are interested in the artefacts found in The Archive, you may refer to this page on the Dulwich College London website.