Supporting Your Teen Through Exam Results Anxiety

Senior School Counselling Team

Our Senior School Counselling Team have provided the following guidance and resources to support parents supporting their children awaiting their exam results. As exam results day approaches, it's natural for your teen to feel a mix of emotions—anticipation, excitement, and anxiety. The uncertainty of what the results will bring can heighten their stress, so it's important to create a supportive environment to help them manage these feelings, no matter the outcome.

Actionable Tips for Parents and Carers:

  • Keep Calm and Listen: Be a calming presence and listen to your teen's worries without judgment. Simply being there and acknowledging their feelings can make a big difference.
  • Reassure Them: Remind your teen that their worth is not tied to their exam results. Emphasize that exams are just one part of their journey, and there are always options available, regardless of the results.
  • Encourage Breaks: Suggest taking breaks from thinking about the results by engaging in relaxing or fun activities. A healthy distraction can reduce anxiety.
  • Discuss Next Steps: Whether the results are what they hoped for or not, talk through possible next steps together. This could involve exploring new pathways or celebrating achievements.
  • Model Resilience: Show your teen how to handle uncertainty by staying calm and positive. Your ability to remain grounded will help them feel more secure.

Your support during this time can help your teen navigate the emotional rollercoaster of exam results with confidence and resilience. Below are some resources you might like to adapt.