Thrive Magazine | Volume 1

Welcome to Thrive Magazine – a fresh look for our termly magazine to coincide with our tenth anniversary year! The first volume features a look back at the highlights from the previous Michaelmas term, two deep-dive articles on unique aspects of education, and photos of our many celebrations and performances for you to enjoy.


Throughout Thrive you will also see the following icons, which signify additional digital content, from audio tracks and web links, to video content and the option to view full photo galleries of our events. 

In the first volume, you can look forward to:

Latest News:
The Greenhouse Revealed

School Roundup: 
Student Leaders, Adventures, Celebrations

Department Updates:
Sporting Triumphs, Performance Spotlight, Inclusive Design

Deep Dive Features:
Cultivating Intercultural Understanding, Pioneering Forest School

Whole College:
Remembrance Day, Monopoly, Worldwise Alumni Network

And much more... Enjoy!