Nicholas (Nick) Bevington
Head of Junior School
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Keele University, UK
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Relevant Experience
Nicholas graduated from Keele University with First Class Honours and began his career on the British Airways Graduate Programme. However, having worked with children in the US during university holidays and volunteered in a local primary school at Keele, he soon realised that a career in education is where his heart lay and enrolled for a PGCE at Newcastle University, specialising in secondary maths alongside general primary.
His first two teaching posts saw him undertaking an increasing amount of MFL teaching, having worked in France during his gap year, and he became a Head of French, before being appointed Deputy Head of Abercorn School in London in 2003, where he also led the preparation of children for KS2 SATS in maths and English and 11+ exams to senior schools. After marrying his wife Catherine, a hospital consultant, he moved out of London and was appointed to his first headship at Bede’s Preparatory School in 2007, leading an improvement plan that saw the school achieving an excellent ISI inspection.
He was appointed as Head of Town Close School, Norwich in 2013, leading the re-development of facilities and implementation of educational technology. In 2020, Town Close won the prestigious Times Educational Supplement Prep School of the Year award in recognition of pupil voice, well-being initiatives, engineering successes and outstanding academic results. With this experience, Nicholas was keen to expand his horizons beyond UK education and joined Dulwich College (Singapore) as Head of Junior School in August 2021.