First Day of School

On the first day of school, please ensure you drop off your child/ren at the respective reception areas and timings as listed below. Our academic and admissions staff will be stationed at each reception area, ready to assist you if needed. If you are lost, please do not hesitate to approach any of our staff members wearing coloured lanyards: Yellow (DUCKS), Blue (Junior School), Red (Senior School), Black (Admissions), and we will be able to help you. 

School Day Schedule 

Toddler and Nursery

8.00am – 8.30am

School Day starts at: 9.00am

School Day ends at: 
Half-Day –12.30pm

Full-Day – 3.25pm


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

8.00am – 8.30am

School Day starts at: 9.00am

School Day ends at: 3.25pm

CCAs (only for Year 2 and above) starts from: 3.45pm

Where to Go – Drop-off & Pick Up

Please make sure that your class teacher is aware of your child’s transport arrangements for the end of their first day, a good time for doing this is during your virtual/in-person class teacher welcome meeting.


Parents and carers will be able to drop children off at their classroom, or by the classroom outdoor decking areas (for Toddlers, Nursery and Reception).

  • By Car or Taxi: Please enter through the Main Gate and turn left towards DUCKS. For parking, you may wish to park at the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) Basement Car Park or the nearby HDB carparks and make your way towards DUCKS on foot.

  • On Foot: Please enter through the side gates located in front of DUCKS or Senior School.

  • By School Bus: Members of staff on duty will welcome students upon their arrival and ensure they are guided to the school reception desk and class.

Pick Up

For onsite pick up at the end of the school day, parents can arrive on campus from 3.15pm/12.30pm (half-day) at the following meeting points:

  • Toddlers, Nursery and Reception: By the respective classroom outdoor decking areas

  • Year 1: Level 2, DUCKS Dining Hall

  • Year 2: Level 1, DUCKS Dining Hall

Children taking the school bus will be taken to their allocated bus areas and members of staff on duty will ensure students board the respective bus.

8.00am – 8.30am

School Day starts at: 8.30am

School Day ends at: 3.35pm

CCAs (only for Year 2 and above) starts from: 3.45pm

Where to Go – Drop-off & Pick Up

Please make sure that your class teacher is aware of your child’s transport arrangements for the end of their first day, a good time for doing this is during your virtual/in-person class teacher welcome meeting.


Parents and carers will be able to drop children off at their classroom.

  • By Car or Taxi: Please enter through the Main Gate and our security team will be able to direct you to the Junior School. For parking, you may wish to park at the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) Basement Car Park or the nearby HDB carparks and make your way towards Junior School on foot.

  • On Foot: Please enter through the side gates located in front of DUCKS or Senior School.

  • By School Bus: Members of staff on duty will welcome students upon their arrival and ensure they are guided to the school reception desk and class.

Pick Up

For onsite pick up at the end of the school day, parents can arrive on campus from 3.15pm at the following meeting points:

  • Year 3 and Year 4: By the Quad at the centre of the Junior School

  • Year 5 and Year 6: By the steps in front of The Clocktower Café

Children taking the school bus will be taken to their allocated bus areas and members of staff on duty will ensure students board the respective bus.

8.00am – 8.30am

School Day starts at: 8.30am

School Day ends at: 3.35pm

CCAs (only for Year 2 and above) starts from: 3.45pm

Where to Go – Drop-off & Pick Up

Please make sure that the Head of Year/Tutor is aware of your child’s transport arrangements for the end of their first day, you can drop an email to the respective Heads of Year/Tutor accordingly.


  • By Car or Taxi: Enter the North Gate from 8am - 9am and our security team will be able to direct you to the Greenhouse for drop-off. For parking, you may wish to park at the spaces towards The Greenhouse (see the map). 
    Please note Senior School fountain roundabout will no longer support drop-off or pick-up.

  • On Foot: Enter through the side gates located in front of DUCKS or Senior School.

  • By School Bus: Members of staff on duty will welcome students upon their arrival and ensure they are guided to the school reception desk and class.

Pick Up

For onsite pick up at the end of the school day, parents can arrive on campus from 3.30pm at the following meeting points:

  • Senior School Reception

  • The Greenhouse Lobby

  • Performing Arts Centre Main Foyer

Students taking the school bus will be guided to their allocated bus areas to board their respective bus.